Two exciting announcements we want to let you know about!
1. We had a very successful 20th Annual General Meeting that was held with many friends in virtual attendance (via Zoom) in late August. We shared in detail about the happenings of our 2019/2020 financial year, but mostly we were able to CELEBRATE that because of generous supporters and faithful partners (just like you!), and with God’s great provision, we were were able to reach 102,216 individual people in our latest year through our 51 programmes! While stats and finances are of course important, it is far more important to us that we were able to see many changed lives. No report can ever do justice to the many stories of people who were hungry and fed, who were sick and cared for, who lost their homes in a fire and were helped with a significant amount of clothes and blankets, who were in chains to substance abuse and who were set free from their addictions. We are so thankful to our excellent staff and volunteers who have often gone beyond the call of duty to help someone, to all our donors who have given so generously and sacrificially, to all our Trustees who have given of their time and energy to serve. Most importantly, thanks to the Lord who has been so faithful to Living Hope.
We would encourage you to browse through the reports below to view the Annual Report which includes mini-reports from each of our programmes (Harvest Training Initiative, Health Care Centre, Life Sills, Community Based Services etc) and the special 20th Anniversary presentation. If you are interested in watching the full recording of the Annual General Meeting you can click on the large red play button in the video at the bottom of this email.
2020 Annual Report: Click here
Special 20th Anniversary Presentation: Click here
2. WhatsApp giving is here! To make giving a donation to Living Hope even easier, we have launched WhatsApp Giving! This is a convenient and safe way to donate to Living Hope with just your phone and a debit or credit card. We would be so grateful for any gift (no matter the size) as we really rely on donations to keep our services going! What about starting your giving with a suggested donation of R50? We would like to encourage you to sign up right away to give a donation to Living Hope.
Instructions for WhatsApp Giving:
- In your phone’s contact list, create a new contact called “Donate to Living Hope” with the number: 060 070 2753
- Open WhatsApp and start a new conversation with the contact “Donate to Living Hope” that you just saved, by typing the words “LH” in the chat and send it by hitting ‘enter’.
- A link will be sent back to you. Click on the link and follow the instructions to safely and securely register your personal details and debit or credit card information. A R2 charge which will be refunded to you which will be used as a test to make sure that your card works.
- Continue to go through the approval process. Be sure to follow instructions given to you on your phone.
- Once registration is complete, you can give a donation anytime by sending a WhatsApp to your contact “Donate to Living Hope” by typing “LH GN” into the chat and following the prompts.
Thank you so much for considering giving to us here at Living Hope. With your help we will seek to continue to serve wherever we are needed!