Join Us for Mandela Day

Nelson Mandela once said, “There can be no greater gift than that of giving one’s time and energy to helping others without expecting anything in return.” Every year at Living Hope, we celebrate Mandela Day by commemorating Nelson Mandela’s birthday and honoring...

Doing your Taxes? Think Living Hope!

This is a reminder at this time of the year to consider giving to Living Hope. If you give a monetary donation before the 28th of February, you will be able to deduct this later this year when you fill in your SARS tax form. Why give it to the tax-man when through...

Recap: 16 Days of Activism

Late last year, right in the midst of the lead up to the busy holiday season, there were two very important weeks of activity happening at Living Hope. Annually from 25 November (International Day of No Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human...