Meagan Daniels, our Lifeskills Educator in Capricorn & Overcome Heights shares news from the recent Holiday Clubs:
This past week of altered Holiday Clubs (with early childhood development morning ministry and Kids/Teens afternoon club) was fabulous. Specifically, the Teen Afternoon program was a way to do things that we don’t normally focus on in Afternoon Club.
We took the opportunity to do a sports and art emphasis. Using the Mission Travel Team fromAustralia, we conducted sports drills and active games. At the same time, anyone not interested in the sporting aspect were offered art lessons with a Biblical emphasis.
The theme for the week was ‘We are one body with many parts.’ The Biblical devotion on Romans 8:28 and 1 Cor 12:14-31 tied into the theme, making the point that all things work together for God’s glory! The teens learnt artistic methods of using tiny pieces of paper to make one large picture, called a mosaic. The next day they built on that lesson and included artistic styles of pointillism, and forms of line drawing where all strokes are small; therefore, all methods focused on all the small strokes making one large, beautiful picture. With soft, soothing music in the background, the teens showed great concentration and interest in doing a ‘lesson’ in a creative and new way!
The whole week was exciting and a fresh way to communicate Biblical truth and actively help teens to see their place in God’s big picture!