Substance Abuse Recovery Programme
Substance Abuse Recovery Programme | Achieving the Vision.
Why Do We Serve?
We believe that the Holy Spirits power is sufficient to break the chain of addictions.
Who Do We Serve?
Clients who walk in from the street who are in need of help; clients who are residents in night shelters; youth and adult persons, male and female who are willing to change and want to receive help.
How Do We Serve?
We provide three essential components: 1. An opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. (A faith-based programme) 2. To be accessible to anyone in need of help. 3. To provide quality Recovery Programme free of charge (no fees) to clients. The programme commenced in 2010 with the support of the Western Cape Dept. of Social Development, local church and general public donations.
The Recovery Programme is a 3 phase programme that allows clients to begin at any day of the week, by simply walking in and providing outpatient care. The first phase seeks to build relationships and encourages clients to attend support groups. Random drug testing is done to allow clients to prove they have changed their lives. After 3 weeks they can advance to Phase 2, which is a structured treatment programme with individual counselling. There are specific topics covered in each phase, and at the end of which includes a graduation ceremony. Phase 3 is an aftercare evening programme integrating ongoing support and spiritual care.
Where Do We Serve?
Muizenberg (169 Main Rd, next to the train station). Retreat and Ocean View